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Help us reach our monthly goal and win prizes!
Help Us Keep the 'ON AIR' Light On!
Chip in any amount on Venmo, CashApp, or PayPal, or join us on Patreon for continued support.
Support Portland community radio! Let's keep this boat afloat, and venturing boldly into new sonic horizons for years to come.
Shady Pines Radio is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit and all donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Our EIN # is 88-4221105.
4-digit pin: 6129
Please e-mail us to be entered in the raffle with this option.

Patreon memberships at $5+ level enter you into this month's raffle!
Help us raise our monthly goal to help cover operation costs and keep the station growing!
Each month that we raise $500 or more, we raffle off some Shady Pines Radio merch (T-shirt, stickers, drink koozies) and other featured prizes. Raffles are held LIVE on Nocturnal Submissions 8-11pm PT, usually on the last Sunday of each month.
Each $5 you donate gets you a pinecoin, an automatic entry into our monthly raffle. More pinecoins mean more chances to win!
Our friends at Groove Family Records are once again cutting a custom record for one lucky Shady Pines Radio supporter this month. Donate for some pinecoins and it could be you!
THANK YOU SO MUCH for your support! ❤️ 📻 🎶

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